Anna Ivey Consulting

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Inspiration in an Otherwise Dreary News Cycle

We just received some nice feedback from a reader of our book How to Prepare a Standout College Application: From LMO* to Admit

(*Like Many Others)

I had a chance to peruse your book (not in great detail since I don't have a kid going through that process yet), but I wanted to write to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed it and it actually made me more hopeful than I have been since getting absorbed by the scandal and thinking more deeply about the impact of access and privilege. Not that I'm naive - I know the process is not a complete meritocracy - but your book helps me envision a world where it could be. I truly felt from reading your book that you do not need to spend oodles of money on trips to China or sailing lessons to gain entry to elite universities. That kids who took care of an ailing grandparent, or participated in only local or free activities, and had the grades, they could gain access to elite colleges if they found a way to describe how those things defined them and if they could identify the impact of those activities. That's a nice message to hear when my focus has been entirely on those who game the system.

Thanks for some inspiration in an otherwise dreary news cycle!

We’ve got another book coming out soon… stay tuned!